Thursday, November 1, 2007

Don't Be Hatin'...

Giving religion a bad name..The Westboro Baptist church of Kansas was just slapped with an $11 million judgement for demonstrating at a military funeral in March of 2006. Seems these God-lovin' folks believe that the war in Iraq is punishment for America's tolerance of homosexuality, so they have taken to protesting at soldier's funerals with charming signs like this.

They fucked with the wrong guy and were sued by Albert Snyder of York, PA when they spread their message of hate to his son's funeral, Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder, who was killed in Iraq. The jury awarded $2.9 million in compensatory damages, $6 million in punitive damages, and $2 million for causing emotional distress. I'd like to think that sends a message to these vile people, but I'm sure they will see themselves as martyrs for this ridiculous cause.

Sorry for the downer post. I promise to give you something very superficial next...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its so crazy how people can be. I can't even follow the thought process how they connect homosexuality and war! What?!?!