Monday, November 26, 2007

This Just In....

Let's be honest, we don't watch the news because we enjoy the fantastic reporting by our local newscasters. We don't even watch because we enjoy the content. The news is boring, the stories are almost always depressing (ever see a happy news report about puppies or rainbows?) and the reports are biased. No, there is no entertainment in the news. We watch because we have to so we can sound like intelligent adults when our annoying co-workers want to strike up a conversation in the break room. And maybe to check out the weather forecast... So, I've searched the Internet for a few entertaining newscasts and found the only entertaining news reports out there include the reporters screwing up in some way. Enjoy and remember these during your next water cooler chat....

Fifth grade humor is even funnier when it comes from sophisticated news anchors...

Your weather forecast includes some hot language about your mother....

This is what happens when you report live from a college campus...

This chick should watch Tyra's show....

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