Friday, November 16, 2007

A Cure for Warm Beer!

We've all been there... The store doesn't have your favorite beer in the cooler so you pick up a warm case on your way to a party and put a few in the freezer to cool them down quickly. But no, you can't wait for that beer to cool down and you can't stomach the swill someone offers you so you choke down a warm one. Or you order a beer that the barback had just stocked into the cooler. The bartender says, "it might be a little warm, let me know if you want another." Then, poof! He's gone to the other end of the bar and you're pushed back five deep while other thirsty patrons rush the bar, leaving you with no choice but to drink it warm. Well, with any luck, this will soon be a thing of the past. Leave it to a 22 year old to invent an instant beer chiller!

I'm totally buying this when it comes on the market!

1 comment:

Rush said...

Greatest invention ever