Thursday, November 1, 2007

Bad American Music Made Even Worse

You gotta love the Internet and sites like YouTube. Without them, we'd never know just how infatuated foreign bands are with bad American music. But why? Here are some great (and by great, I mean so bad they're funny) covers....

Here, we see a Finnish band covering YMCA....
I seriously hope this was recorded sometime between 1978-1986 and they're not running around over there in short shorts, knee socks and mustasches.

A Filipino band plays Styx's Mr. Roboto.
I actually had the original on a 45. Remember those? Records? Stop laughing, I was like eight and had no idea what good music was. I just liked the robotic sound...

A Danish band plays ABBA's Mama Mia on beer bottles.... Yeah, I know ABBA was a Swedish band, but for some reason we Americans loved them and this video is just too good not to post.
Note to self: drink 24 beers this weekend and start practicing.

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