Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Clooney V Fabio

What do you think the over/under would be on a Clooney versus Fabio match? The NY Post's Page Six reports that George Clooney and Fabio got into a shoving match at a restaurant. The fight, if you can call it that, began when Clooney thought Fabio's gal pals were taking pictures of him. Come on, Clooney use that arrogant head of yours... Women who are into the Fabio type are not into the Clooney type. It's simply a different class of women... and men. Thankfully the waitstaff intervened before Clooney started pulling on Fabio's fabulous(?) hair! Maybe these too could square up at the next celebrity boxing series....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind seeing that boxing match!!! Now, if you could put Clooney's face on Fabio's body.......