Friday, November 16, 2007

So Rad, So Bad: 80s Movies

This 80s movie has it all. A teenage boy facing unspeakable odds; the old cop who's out to get him; Lori Loughlin before her Full House days; and the blonde guy who plays the villain in every 80s movie ever made. How this never became a classic, I'll never know.

Why did so many 80s movies follow this theme: kids who love to dance; they have to dance to overcome some obstacle (usually in the form of a old stuffy white guy who won't let them and who does everything in his power to stop them from dancing); and ultimately the kids overcoming the obstacle with their fabulous dancing and/or winning over the old guy(s) and even getting them to boogie along with them. Anyone? Anyone? You know what I'm talking about-- Footloose, Girls Just Want to Have Fun, Dance Academy, Dirty Dancing, Fame, Flashdance, Breakin, and of course, Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo...

This one has got to be the worst and strangest ever! Boy looses hair from "hairum scareum"; boy meets ghost who makes him a peanut butter slav that grows his hair back. Ummm... who the hell read this script and said, "yeah, this will make an awesome movie!"? Obviously people did. I wonder when the remake will come out....


Anonymous said...


did you notice that the theme song for Rad was the song from Rocky?? and, the main biker's mom is ADRIENNE FROM ROCKY???

coincidence...i think not.

this movie also reminds me of a movie from the 90's (i think) about some surfer kid who has to move to Wisconsin or something and gets involved in a Rollerblading race...this awesome flick also stars Seth Green, pre-Austin Powers.

Rush said...

Billy Zabka - that's the name of the blonde bad guy, he rules