Friday, October 12, 2007

The Real Mystery is....

Who the hell falls for this crap?

There's nothing I hate more than cheesy guys using cheesy pick up lines. And thanks to a guy known as Mystery, we women can expect even more idiots interrupting us with lines like "Did you see the fight outside" while we're out with our girls trying to have a few drinks and a good time.

In this clip, Mystery is telling a group of women how he teaches men to "open sets" and "demonstrate higher value." He tells them how he judges IOIs (indicators of interest for us laypeople) and how we inadvertently give them off when we're attracted to a man. Sorry, ladies we can't help it according to Mystery, "it comes from ape days." Wow. He's so well spoken! And if you think a guy following Mystery's pick up artist guidelines will actually get the point when you say you're not interested, think again. According to Mystery, "what a woman says and how she reponds are two entirely different things." So, if you're hand itches or your hair gets in your face and you move it while your'e saying "get lost," he'll probably take it as an IOI and start humping your leg.

If you can hang in there long enough, you'll notice what I love most about the video... The longer he talks the women on either side of him start giving off some pretty obvious IODs (indicators of disinterest). But Mystery wouldn't notice, he's too busy touting his successes, which include speaking at MIT and dating a super model, and dissing a woman off camera as well as the only woman who looks remotely intersted in what he has to say.

Mystery also speaks of "throwing out negs," which he explains as acting as if you're not interested in a woman when you really are. Um... Hello, Mystery, 8 year old Johnny from the playground called. He wants his moves back.

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